Message from the Minister

This Sunnybrook
Moment in Time

As we launch our summer theme, I can’t help but think about how exciting this moment in time is here at Sunnybrook. Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the congregation is an act of gratitude. We have been
looking back and remembering stories of how the congregation came together, and the relationships that were formed and treasured over the years. I have heard stories of important work that was done together in response to issues of the day and theneeds of the community.

We now find ourselves planting new seeds to see what will grow and take us into the future. This is a new growing season that hopefully addresses the needs of our community in this time we are in now. Before the summer sets in, our Council and Faith in Action Committee will begin a strategic planning process to give shape to our First Third ministry. This work will continue in the fall with more key leaders as we integrate our priorities for the upcoming years.

This is indeed a unique moment in time for Sunnybrook United. I feel privileged to be in ministry with you right now as we navigate our next steps together. I wonder how future generations will remember the work of this time when they look back in gratitude. Time will tell.
Peace and joy,