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Words of Hope
Under the Clutter

The airwaves are filled with a cacophony of words these days. Unfortunately, we mostly hear words that divide, polarize, insult, exclude, and most of all . . . frighten. I couldn’t help but notice this week how quickly conversations devolved into words of worry, anger, and disbelief. Each day seems to bring a new set of worries that keep us off balance and discouraged. Where do we find truth and where do we find hope among all those words?

The scriptures for this week have me turning my attention toward prophetic call. Jeremiah, like many other prophets in the Bible, was reluctant to accept God’s call in his life. He came up with excuses about why he thought God was calling on the wrong guy. First, he said he wasn’t old enough, and then he said he wouldn’t know what to say. Despite the protests, Jeremiah knew God’s presence was with him, putting the words he needed to say in his mouth.

I wonder where those divine prophetic words are among us today. I think we will find those words of direction and hope if we dig deep enough under the clutter, and if we remember that we are all called by a loving God. In times of uncertainty, it is important for us to turn to one another with those sacred words put in our mouths to share, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.”

In faith community, we have each other, and we have our work to do together. We are called to care for one another, to build connections, and to include everyone. There are never any guarantees for tomorrow, only the reassurance that we are not
alone. Let’s look for the sacred in one another, and carry on with courage and hope, no excuses.

Peace and joy,