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Gifts of the Spirit

Whenever I think of the gifts of the Spirit, I think of colour. I think of how we each bring our own true colours to our work together, creating a beautiful tapestry that reflects our identity in community. We all form a piece of the picture, and the picture would not begin to take shape without each of us adding the gift of our true colours.

This week at Sunnybrook we began discussions about our upcoming budget. As you most likely  know, a budget is not just about the numbers. The numbers are important, but it’s what we do with the numbers that really matters. So, this is a time for thinking of what our next year together could look like. We have to consider the many gifts of the Spirit that are present among us, and what kind of a picture we could create together using the colours of our gifts, skills, and passions. We need everyone’s gift working together to fulfill our vision and mission.

I invite you to take some time to reflect on what gifts you have to offer to the life and work of Sunnybrook. We have a few vacancies on committees and Council, and we would love to add a few more colours to our tapestry. This is an exciting time to be part of our work together. There is new energy for worship and programming for all ages, and this year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the United Church of Canada. Let me know what amazing hue you would like to add to our

In this season of Epiphany we have been contemplating the light of new understandings of God’s presence in our lives. It’s interesting that we can’t really see light, but light illuminates everything we see. When light is refracted, like when it passes
through a prism, we see all the colours of the rainbow. Perhaps that is how the Holy Spirit works in us, revealing our true colours to share in community.

Peace and joy,