Expectant Joy
The third Sunday of Advent invites a conversation about joy. Have you ever thought about the difference between happiness
and joy? If you do a bit of “googling” the consensus seems to be that happiness is more of a surface emotion, popping up in a moment of excitement. Joy, on the other hand, is the kind of deeper, longer lasting emotion that one might associate with contentment. So, along with our waiting and preparing as we make our way toward Christmas, I wonder what kind of joy you may be anticipating. If you are to unwrap contentment this year, what will that look like?
In the Luke reading for this week, “the people were filled with expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts concerning John.” Even though John the Baptist’s call to the people started off judgemental and required them to make changes in their lives, they were very ready to hear some good news that would take them out of their oppression. John pointed them toward Jesus, and Jesus would point them toward a different way of life that was all about justice. That
turning toward a different way of being would take them beyond any surface emotion, toward a deeper sense of contentment associated with right relations with all people. Their great expectation was for a better, fairer life.
It's hard to find the contentment of deep joy when our consumeristic society is always telling us we need the next greatest thing to be happy. Let’s consider that it might be better to pass on the instant “happy,” and go for the deeper sense of joy and fulfillment we find in our relationships with one another. May you find that kind of joy this Advent and Christmas season.
Peace and joy,