Message from the Minister
Spiral of Time
This week brings another church year to a close. December first will mark the beginning of Advent, which begins our journey through the liturgical seasons once again. As the end meets the beginning I’m reminded of the image of a spiral. We come around to our starting point, where we have been before, but where we find ourselves in a different place. We find the world in a different place too. Many years ago, I wrote an Advent hymn that echoes this idea. The lyrics for the chorus are “Come ‘round again to this Advent season. Hope for new life has begun. Circles of time will renew God’s creation. Journey once more ‘round the sun.”
This last Sunday of the long season after Pentecost is officially known as Reign of Christ, or Christ the King Sunday. I have to admit, I don’t easily warm up to that language. To our modern ears it likely suggests a hierarchical, power over, type of relationship. However, I do think it gives us an opportunity to discover the differences between kingdom and empire. God’s kingdom, which I often refer to as God’s kin-dom, is about a reality that holds the indwelling of the sacred. It’s about
mutuality, justice, and loving your neighbour.
So, in this moment in time when the end meets the beginning, we have an opportunity to stand back and look at the whole Christ story. The big picture message of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection, reveals God’s indwelling in all of creation. It’s a story that never ends, but instead, continues to spiral with us through time. Jesus the Christ, always was, is now, and always will be. As we come ‘round again to this ending and new beginning, where do you find yourself on the spiral? What is the same, but different for you this year?
Peace and joy,