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What’s in Your

Ready . . . Set . . . . Go! Rally Sunday is the official start of our fall programs, and so this week we have been preparing, rehearsing, and making sure all is ready for a wonderful celebration. We will be wrapping up our summer theme and looking ahead into the Season of Creation. Of course, it wouldn’t be Rally Sunday without sharing a meal together. Hot Dogs will be served following the service. All are welcome!

This season is all about reconnecting as we come back together. Sunnybrook United is a wonderful community of faithful friends, caring and supportive of one another. But this season is also about making new connections. Our community is growing again, and we are discovering new ways of drawing the circle wide. Sometimes the connections we seek are with others who share common interests, and sometimes it’s a reconnection with creation that really fills our cup. No matter how we seek connection, there too, we will find the sacred dwelling places of love and grace.

I couldn’t help but think about all the students going back to school this week, and all the things they had to put in their backpacks for their first day of classes. With a little careful planning, those backpacks hold supplies for the day, food for lunch, and maybe even a familiar stuffy or two for courage.

As we prepare for this new season together as church family, I invite you to consider what you might need to put into your hypothetical backpack to sustain you for the journey. What gifts do you bring that you can share with others? A healthy community invites everyone to contribute to the give and take that is necessary to sustain us in the joys and challenges of daily living.

What’s in your backpack?

Peace and joy,