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Travelling Into Fall

As August fades into September, we begin to notice a few changes around us. Last week we were a bit dismayed to see a few
leaves had already fallen along this path in Gaetz Lakes Sanctuary. What I also notice at this time of year, is how the sun begins to cast shadows along the path quite differently in the fall. Seasonal changes invite us to see things around us in a new light. Sometimes we see things we hadn’t noticed before.

There is a different energy at Sunnybrook as we travel into this fall season. Aleesha casts a new light on how we might engage with young adults and young families in ways that will encourage all of us, young and old alike, to journey together. It’s also lovely to have Jessica and Sesay, Community Connectors with the Campus Ministry, around the church during the
week. I’m so glad you will get to meet them in person this Sunday. We are making interesting connections in the community that will open up two-way travel on the path ahead of us. Just as we are getting to know the broader community, others will be getting to know us as a caring, inclusive, supportive (let’s not forget fun) faith family.

Even though much planning has happened to bring us to this point on our journey together, there will no doubt be a few unexpected joys and challenges we can’t see coming around the next corner. We will be trying new things and learning together. It will be an adventure that will shed light on who we are and what we are becoming. So, bring it on, fall! Perhaps we will see things we hadn’t noticed before.

Peace and joy,