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Dancing With
the Spirit

We have shared a lot of cake lately, and yes, there will be cake once again this Sunday. Happy Birthday Church and Thank you Volunteers.

This is Pentecost Sunday, which comes around 50 days after Easter. The celebration of Pentecost is often referred to as the birthday of the church. After receiving the Holy Spirit in dramatic fashion through wind and fire, the disciples began acting like a “church” – a gathered group of believers on a mission! Equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus had
promised, they went out into the world spreading the gospel.

I must admit that I really enjoy the energy and excitement of the celebration of Pentecost. There are some great messages in this story about unity in diversity. The gift of the Holy Spirit is for everyone: people of all ages and genders, all languages and cultures. Despite the diversity, everyone has a common understanding. How great is that? We certainly still have work to do.

What a great message for us today as we see our society becoming more and more multicultural, and as we become more aware of the beauty and importance of diversity in all of creation. We as the United Church of Canada are learning how to be an intercultural church in ways that feel safe and inclusive for everyone. Pentecost is about action that gathers us in and sends us out to love one another as Jesus had loved his disciples, and those on the margins seeking a sense of home.

I can’t think of a more appropriate Sunday to appreciate our faithful, hard-working volunteers. I am so grateful for those who
give so generously of their time and skills so we can be “church” together – a gathered group of believers on a mission! We are love in action because of our commitment to each other and to our community.

Peace and joy,