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Lenten Trail
Week 2

As you experience our natural world right now, what takes your breath away? That has been our leading question for this
second week on the Lenten trail. There are so many things that take my breath away every day: the first light of day painting the clouds with colour, a deer sighting from my window, simply being among the trees and the birds as we walk the trails.

This week’s earth element is “air.” It is an invitation to consider the movement of air around our planet, the health of our
atmosphere, the challenges of various forms of industry, and the power of the wind to produce energy.

From a theological perspective, this is an invitation to think about “air” images that help us understand our spiritual relationship with Holy Mystery. We speak of the breath of the Spirit blowing where it will. We also think of the second creation myth story in the book of Genesis (2:7-8), where God breathes the breath of life into the first humans. Our own inhalation and exhalation are where we come close to knowing the stirring of Holy Mystery within us. The alternative “fast” practice we are considering this week is a fast from speed and rushing, to embrace slowness and pausing. The suggestion is to pause briefly between the things you do in a day.

A beautiful way to connect this practice with our focus on air this week, is to add a simple breath prayer into your day. After
you have finished one activity, instead of rushing on to the next thing, take a moment to refocus with a cleansing breath of letting go, giving thanks, and being in the moment. It will be amazing how a simple breath of fresh air can transform your day.

Peace and joy,