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Word of the Year
In a world of fake news, scams, and artificial intelligence, it is interesting that the Merriam Webster Dictionary word of the year is “authentic.” Apparently, the word of the year is chosen according to online hits, among other things. I wonder if this is some sort of sign, pointing toward the truth we long for amid the deceptions that swirl around us on a daily basis. Information, and misinformation, travels the globe at breakneck speed, creating a challenge for us to determine what is real and what is not.

Apart from the world around us, what does authenticity mean when we bring it inside and make it personal? What does it mean to live authentically? How difficult is it for you to be true to yourself – your personality, your values, and the spirit of who you are? The socialization process starts very early in life as we are enrolled in pre-school and learn to “fit in” with the other children. As we grow, and throughout our lives, there is a delicate dance we learn, balancing the pressures to fit in, with the longing for self-expression.

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, the Sunday we contemplate hope. My hope is that, if nothing else, our Sunnybrook United community is a space where everyone feels welcome to bring their authentic selves to the table. May we always make room for truth and honesty with ourselves and with others. May we always take responsibility for our actions, our relationships, our mistakes, and our joys. May Sunnybrook be a space where we can discover those connections between what is true for us, and how we behave in the world.

Peace and joy,
