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January 6 is Epiphany and so on this day, and the season that follows this day, we draw on the ideas of revelation, guiding light, awe, and wonder that accompany the story of the Magi. If we take their lead, this is a season of sacred curiosity.

At the beginning of this new year, I invite you to consider what you are curious about. What are you paying attention to in a curious way? What would you like to learn about? Have you experienced any surprises that cause you to think about things differently?

This season of curiosity and revelation is a great opportunity for us as a congregation to consider this time we are in, what has changed over the last few years, and how we might minister to the changing spiritual needs of our community. Our vision statement mentions “living our lives with compassion, commitment, purpose and meaning. Creating a warm and welcoming intergenerational community of faith, while challenging one another to learn and grow.”

Over the past year, our Faith in Action Committee and our Council have had some very constructive conversations, exploring how we might continue to live out our vision of nurturing an intergenerational community of faith in a time such as this. We have reached out to regional staff to help us explore how we might minister to young families in particular. We are curious about what that might look like now. What things have changed for children, youth, and young adults? How can we facilitate opportunities to learn and grow spiritually that meet their needs?

Our next steps are to broaden this conversation over the next two Sundays by offering more information about First Third Ministry (children, youth, young adults) and hearing your ideas. Part 1 is this Sunday, January 8. Pamela Evans from Pacific Mountain Region and Chris Mah Poy from Chinook Winds Region with be with us in worship, followed by a time for questions. Part 2 will be on Sunday, January 15 when we will share more information about the financial implications of what ever we decide our vision is to be.

I hope you can join us for these two Sundays of learning and sharing in this season of sacred curiosity.

Peace and joy,