Happy Birthday, Church!
I hope you are ready for a celebration. This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, and this year we are focusing on thisoccasion as the Birthday of the Church.
The followers of Jesus were gathered in one place when, “suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues as of fire, appeared among them . . . all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Act 2:1-4). Because of this story, at Pentecost we play with the elements of wind and fire as symbols of the out pouring of the Holy Spirit – tangible signs of an invisible grace. The gifts of the Spirit become visible through all that we do as the Body of Christ.
For me, the celebration of Pentecost completes the story we tell throughout the seasons of the church year: God the Creator – becomes incarnate in the life of Jesus – and as Jesus’ life ends the followers are given the Holy Spirit to be with them always. One God, experienced in different ways, expressed in our final blessing each Sunday as Creator, Christ, and Spirit.
The Holy Spirit accompanies us and empowers us to go and be the church in the world. This year we celebrate this birth of the church by welcoming new members into our faith family. We hope you can join us for the party.
Peace and joy,