Walking with

The season of Lent is all
about the journey. Taking our cue from the story of Jesuswilderness wandering, we also take the time to nurture our spiritual wellbeing.

Fun Fact: when we take the time to connect with one another to show up for each other on the journey, there in our midst, we will experience the holy in the ordinary. Im so grateful for awesome companions on the Red Deer trails once again this season. All are welcome to join us on Sunday afternoons at 1:30. This Sunday we will be gathering at the Heritage Ranch in the restaurant parking lot.

As you have been discovering, the theme I have adopted for the season of Lent this year is Cup of Blessing. Sometimes our spiritual cups are full to overflowing, and sometimes we are running on empty. Cups are made for holding something, but sometimes they must be emptied in order to be refilled with something new.
This journey we are on will always have its ups and downs, but the important thing to remember is that we are not alone. Simple conversation on the trails, or in study groups, builds our connections with one another, and of course, restores our connection with the sacred at the same time.
In this time of cautiously coming together once again after such a long time of keeping our distance, I hope you will seek out opportunities to reconnect with others and nurture your spirit in the process.

Lets refill our Cup of Blessing once again.

Peace and joy,
