This week’s Epiphany story has me thinking about vessels like these clay pots, as containers to hold our understanding of the indwelling of God. I think of each religion, each denomination, each faith expression, as a container or framework for how we experience our spirituality. Each one has a little different shape or colour or size depending on the language and rituals of each expression.
In the story of the wedding at Cana, Jesus turns water into wine revealing a piece of the puzzle of his identity. Perhaps we can think of the six stone jars that held the water, as the containers or framework for their religion as they experienced it. But then Jesus arrives on the scene to change the content— to offer a new way of experiencing God’s love and hospitality.
Here we are, already halfway through January. How did that happen? January in our part of the country comes with the reality of still a lot of winter to get through. But then Jesus comes along and offers something new for our containers. Our cups are filled with wine of the highest quality. May we be open to the revelation of new surprises as God’s love continues to unfold in new ways around us . . . even in January!
Peace and joy,
Message from the Minister