
in the quiet centre of


Perhaps quietis not the first word that comes to mind when you think of joy. We typically think of an
exuberance that bubbles up within us and finds expression in a shout for joy, a jump for joy, or in singing with great gusto our Joy to the World!

However, as we follow this years Advent theme, Im asking you to be a bit counterintuitive and con
sider the quiet centre of joy. We still have to be cautious with the big expressions of joy these days, but we can certainly find joy in the little things that make our heart sing and remind us of what is im-portant in our lives.

For starters, I am often filled with joy when I have an opportunity to commune with the natural world a walk by a river, a hike in the mountains, a sunset on the prairies, watching geese fly overhead, seeing deer graze by the roadside, or standing beneath a clear starry night sky that goes on forever. Remembering our relationship with the earth and its creatures reminds us how connected we are to the sacredness of all things.

This is the season when we often reach out to others, like sending and receiving cards and letters, or sharing a cookie day with grandchildren. We can find a quiet joy in our hearts when we have connected in some way with a particular need in the community volunteering at the Food Bank, delivering flowers to someone in a care home, or simply having a visit with an old friend. Joy comes welling up within our relationships with others as we realize how much we need one another.

I hope you find your quiet centre of joy, even if only for a fleeting moment this Advent season. May you enjoy the little things that make your heart
sing with gratitude for the relationships we tend.

Peace and joy,
